Monday, October 15, 2007

Awww Crap!!!

I was nervous about that Kentucky game before it ever kicked off. If you have read any of my posts from the beginning of the season, you'll notice that I thought that the Tigers would probably drop one possibly two games this season. This doesn't mean that I did not fall for the 'werewolf with a chainsaw penis' talk on one of my favorite sports blogs. I was buying into it just like a lot of the other Tiger fans out there. However, I did have a sinking feeling in my stomach that began with the Tulane game. Yes, we did come back to beat Florida, but the previously hidden flaws were continuously being exposed in our offense and defense. Well, Ky. took every advantage of this at every opportunity. Don't get me wrong, I believe Ky. deserved to win that contest, but we did give them a lot of the rope in which to hang us with.

That being said, I truthfully believe that this loss came at an opportune time for the Tigers. I think this loss could actually galvanize the team and motivate them for the rest of the season. They have tasted what success and defeat have to offer and maybe success is more to their liking. I think the guys will come out fighting hard and fast Saturday night. I hope to get a couple of tickets for my wife and myself, but if it doesn't work out we'll just tailgate and watch the game at the house on my HD TV.

Later Everybody and enjoy our #4 BCS ranking and here's to keeping it!

UPDATE We scored some free tickets while tailgating. Thanks Greg and Kelly for the tickets.

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