Sunday, November 12, 2006

It was F'n Cold!

Last night was the first time that I was able to sit in the upper deck for an LSU home game. Actually, it was pretty cool. It's amazing how one can see plays develop from the line of scrimmage. When Williams rushed for his touchdown, I could see the lane before he hit the line. But DAMN it was cold! The wind kicked my ass all game long.

I was concerned the whole game about our defensive backfield. It seemed to me that they were out of position more than normal last night. They did come up with big turnovers when they needed them. Good Job guys.

I have to tell y'all about a little pre-game amusement while we were heading to the stadium. Let me preface this story by letting you know that we were with some friends that traveled from out of state to see the game. They are Crimson Tide fans. We were walking past Tureaud (sic) Hall when some chick decided to yell, "Bama Sucks!" Now let me tell you, these guys we were with are good natured fellas that were extremely good sports all day with the "Tiger Bait!" thing. Well, anyway, this chick decided to take this a little farther. She yelled the previously mentioned "Bama Sucks!" Well, she wasn't ready for the "Well yeah but I see that you swallow!" reply from one of my out of town friends. I knew that she was pissed, but I thought that would be the end of it. We had walked all the way to the design building and she finally caught up to us. She started screaming and hollering that what my friend said insulted her. Next, some dude came from behind us and screamed that she deserved an apology. At this precise moment, the chick noticed that an LSU fan was holding one side of our ice-chest. I could see the wheels turning in her head. She couldn't grasp the concept of Bama fan and LSU fan hanging out and drinking with one another. She was dumbfounded! Of course this is an understatement, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt because of her inebriated state. She stuttered something incoherent and said, "We're cool" and just left.

Just an observation here, the vast majority of the Tiger Fans we encountered Saturday were great and had a great time. However, scenes like this are just too amusing to pass up. That girl ought to have a sign.

It is amazing how pissed Bama Fan is at their coach. I was sitting in the upper deck surrounded by Bama's faithful. They are crawling all over Shula about their team's performance. I tell you that the majority of them were screaming bloody hell at Shula and his running back Darby. They are sick. I also found out that many Bama fans sold their LSU tickets after the loss to Miss. State. Man, they were HARSH!

Anyway, did I mention that it was F'n COLD!

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